About Me


Short Story (ie. the version you care to read)

I’m a new media creator with a history of creating podcast, video and website content. I currently produce two video shows (The Official GonnaGeek.com Show and Better Podcasting) and run GonnaGeek.com, which features geek content including its own Podcast Network.

Long Story  (ie. Grab a cup of coffee)

I’ve been a new media creator for a large portion of my life. Since my early days of surfing the world wide web (haven’t heard that term in awhile, have you?) I’ve been creating content for other’s to enjoy. Whether a geocities page trying to get “George Banished from Big Brother [1]”, or a Homestead page featuring a webcam of a pet rat, early memories of mine consist of spending way too much time creating content for others to enjoy.

As you might expect, website creation and development is something which has always continued to be a large portion over the years. In 2005 I co-created a comic book website called Project Fanboy (and later re-branded to Fanboy Buzz) which boasted a large profile of comic book content including news, interviews, reviews and other interactions with recognizable industry names. At one point the site even featured it’s own Comic Book Awards. In 2012 I launched my latest project (the one in which I’m the most proud of) GonnaGeek.com. GonnaGeek is a site filled with content for geeks, by geeks. The site now features a large amount of news, reviews, interviews, podcasts and video content; it even has a podcast network featuring 18 shows and growing.

In 2008 I discovered the world of Podcasting when I created a short-lived podcast with friends discussing the local music scene (2008 to 2009). Since entering the world of Podcast creation, I’ve proudly produced a variety of themed podcasts including Comic Books (Fanboy Buzz, host 2010-2013), The Walking Dead (Walking the Walking Dead Podcast, host 2012-2015), Podcasting itself (Better Podcasting, host 2015-Present) and even the general geek world (Official GonnaGeek.com Show, host 2013-Present). In 2015 I developed the latter two podcasts further by transforming them in to fully produced video shows, streamed live each week.

In summary, whether it’s websites, podcasts, video or otherwise, I’m always looking to churn out new media content.